St. Vincent - St. Vincent
I just saw St. Vincent two days ago (as of writing this) and I was blown away. Annie Clark doesn’t seem like a real person-or one person in any case. Either way, she is king. She is the digital, binary encoded, Vogue realness serving, king.
Rumours - Fleetwood Mac
I finally found this album on vinyl, and for less than five bucks! No album makes me feel more joy than this one. No album makes my heart take flight more than this one. This is the summer soundtrack, believe that.
Benji - Sun Kil Moon
To listen to this album all the way through you’ll probably need a listening buddy. Death is here and (spoiler) nobody makes it. This album hit me at the right time. From the first song tears bloomed in my eyes and by “I Can’t Live Without My Mother’s Love” I was flooded. Tread lightly.
Her - Arcade Fire & Owen Pallett
If you haven’t seen this film, remedy that. The music perfectly compliments the whole spectrum that love dresses in, and is able to stand alone without the movie beside it. After I listened to it a few times without crying, this is my go-to inspiration for love poems.
BEYONCÉ - Beyoncé