Once upon a time, poet, journalist and semiprofessional nerd Victor D. Infante saw references to a 'Fantasy Poetry Slam” – much like fantasy football – for the National Poetry slam finals. (NOTE: It does not matter if you know the first thing about poetry slam, except that it's a poetry competition. The rest is irrelevant.)
So, being who he is, he thought, “What would a REAL 'fantasy poetry slam' consist of? Would Harry Potter slam against Buffy the Vampire Slayer or something? What would people in, say, H.P. Lovecraft's novels, write poetry about?”
Which bring us here! Welcome … To Fantasy Poetry Slam! The Adventure is About to Begin!
1.) Write a poem in the voice of someone from the world you've been assigned. For instance, if you are on Team Gotham, it can be from the point of view of anyone in a DC Comic world, from Batman or Superman to a guy on the streets of Central City. The poem can be of any subject you choose, but the world must be reflected, and hilarity is encouraged.
2.) Trades are OK by mutual agreement, but let Victor know ASAP. Late-joining players will be added as we go.
3.) Registration is open immediately. Just leave a comment saying you want to be involved. Teams will be assigned on April 1. We'll alert you to the assignments when they're posted. We'll add you to a Secret Facebook Group to help facilitate game play. (Not mandatory, but trust us, USEFUL!)
4.) Record the poem, and post it to YouTube in the month of April. You have until April 30, but it will pay to get it up early!
5.) In the metadata for the video, include the hashtag for your team – #TeamGondor, TeamArkham, etc. – as well as the Hashtag #FantasyPoetrySlam.
6.) Share the video on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Be sure to repeat using the hashtags each time you share it.
7.) You are scored by the number of “likes” on each video. This is woefully unfair, but then, so is life, and really, this is just a silly game. (The hashtags allow us to follow the video if it gets shared widely, so you don't lose out on those points!)
8.) The results will be posted and the videos shared on the FreezeRay Poetry blog, FreezeRated: http://www.freezeraypoetry.com/freezerated. Thanks to Rob Sturma and Team FreezeRay for being true heroes!
And that's that. It's completely ridiculous, and will lead people into a nonsense game across the Internet, and the goodnatured chaos will be hilarious.
Feel free to get started on your poem and video as soon as you receive your assignment on April Fool's Day.
And as the great Effie Trinket once said, “May the odds be ever in your favor!”
To join the Facebook group and be part of this very nerdy endeavor, follow the link:
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